Monday 30 November 2009

Shot List of the finished piece.

Here is our new shot list of the actual video, we have decided to put this on the Blog to show the contrast between them, and how our plans have changed from when we started.
- 7 second establishing shots.
- Medium shot of Vicki sat on the wall.
- CU shot of Feet
- Medium Pan as Vicki walks. – FADE
- Long shot of 2 girls sat on wall – CUT TO
- Med shot of girls at on wall.
- 3 CU shots – Storyline.
- 2 Med shots Storyline.
- Long shot – Fast – Storyline.
- Med shot – Fast – Storyline.
- Med/Long – Vicki Pan.
- 5 Shots – Storyline – Zoom.
- Split screen – Vicki & Storyline
- High angle – Vicki
- Split screen – Storyline and Vicki
- High angle Vicki
- Long shot – Statue
- High angle – Vicki
- Slow – Med shot – Vick Puddle
- 4 Bricks shot
- Slow – Kicking Bricks – CU
- Long shot – Fast – Storyline
- Med Pan – Vicki
- 3 Fast cut – Storyline
- Med/Long shot – Vicki
- Low angle – Vicki
- Long shot – Ball – Storyline
- Side CU shot – Vicki – FADE
- Other side CU – Vicki
- Med shot – Storyline
- Med shot – Vicki
- Zoom shot – Storyline
- Slow – Vicki Silhouette
- Zoom shot – Storyline
- Slow – Vicki Silhouette
- Zoom shot - Storyline
- Slow – Vicki Silhouette
- Zoom shot – Storyline
- Slow – Vicki silhouette
- Zoom shot – Storyline
- Med side shot – Vicki
- Med storyline shot
- 4 Fast cuts – Storyline
- 5 Fast cuts Storyline – Abandoned
- Med shot – Vicki
- Feet shot – Storyline
- Long shot – Storyline – FADE TO BLACK

This is the actual shot list of the video.

Screen Shots.

The Screen Shot above is of our finished piece on the time line and the editing software we used to piece the clips together.

I am now going to upload photographs of shots that we have in our film.

The shot above is a split screen shot that we have used in our piece. This is so that our performer Vicky is on the same screen as our actress Liz. Vicky sings the lyrics while Liz sits and looks depressed.

This shot is of our actress Liz stood in the middle of market street. We filmed her stood still for 5 minutes and then sped up the footage so that she was still and everyone else was moving quickly around her.

The above shots are shots we have put on for less than a second to create the effect of the blocks growing upwards and then the final shot is a shot of Vicky kicking them down.
We set up our own studio with a camera on a tripod, a stool, lighting and green screen. These shots are to show the actress to be a model/celebrity.

The above image is a location shot of a derelict building that we have used for some shots in our music video.
This shot is a shadow, silhouette of our performer Vicky on a roof top.

Finally this shot is of our performer Vicky on a roof top which is where the majority of the performance shots were filmed.

Final Update of our Music Video

We have made the finishing touches to our music video, and it is now complete. There were a few problems which we were facing in the last few stages of editing, such as lip syncing. This was a problem, as the song that we originally used so that it was easier for vicky our performer to sing along to was shorter, than the CD version we used for our official video. So while editing we had to slow down/ speed up some of our footage so that it was in sync with the song. We also found that we had small spaces in our timeline, which we filled with some footage that we had left over. This was useful, as the fast cuts tied in well with the song. We also added a photo shoot aspect to our video, as we were going with the theme of Liz, our other actress being a celebrity. so we created our own photoshoot, with green screening and Stand-alone lighting. This added a variation of shot styles as we used a mix of close-ups, mid shots and slow zooms.

Original Shot List

This is the original shot list that we made to guide us with filming. We are going to upload a finished shot list as well.

Fences – Shot List

Introduction is 8 Seconds long.

1-6 seconds of the 8 is Location shots from the selected roof. Approximately 1 second each.

7-8 seconds is the performer sat on the railings and then jumping off.

9 seconds is when the performance will start. I’m sitting in a room made up of only big white walls… At this lyric she will slowly be walking forward. By the line and in the halls, the performer should be at the edge of the roof.

13 seconds – Shots of the eyes. There are people looking through. There will be five shots of eyes on the beat.

15 seconds - The window in the door 15-18 seconds medium long shot focused on people when Liz crosses the shot and the people look at her. Know exactly what we’re here for.

18- 22/23 secondsdon’t look up just let them think there’s no place else you’d rather be… Liz walking around aimlessly, looking lonely.

22/23 secondsYou’re always on display. Some how show that Liz is on display.

23-26 seconds – Vicki singing For everyone to watch and learn from.

26-29 secondsDon’t you know by now, Close ups of barcodes and tags.

29-37 seconds - You can’t turn back, because this road is all you’ll ever have. Liz wandering around roads in town, reminiscing the past.

38-57 seconds – different performance shots of Vicki, Close ups, medium shots, high and low angle shots.

57-1.04 – Shots of Liz wandering around streets

1.05 If you’d let me I could, I’d show you how to build your fences. Shot of the building blocks building up.

1.05-1.09 – Quick shot of performance. Separate from the world the constant battle that you hate to fight.

1.09 – 1.14Just blame the limelight. Feet knock down the building blocks.

1.15 – 1.29Don’t look up just let them know there’s no place else you’d rather be, and now, you can’t turn back, because this road is all you’ll ever have. Performance and story interlinked together by dual screen. Swap shots between Liz and Vicki.
1.30 – 1.35 - It’s obvious that you’re dying, dying. Shots of Liz in the abandoned building.

1.35- 1.48Just living proof that the camera’s lying. More shots in abandoned building.

1.48- 1.55 – Performance shots. Yeah, yeah you’re asking for it, with every breath that you’re breathing. Intercut with Liz in the abandoned building.

1.55- 2.00 – Just breathe in…yeah yeah, well you’re just a mess. Re-applying make-up etc…

2.00- 2.06
You do all this big talking, now let’s see you walk in. Performance.

2.06- 2.10- Let’s see you walk in. Liz walking in red dress.

2.10 – 2.22- Interlude- Vicki moshing in performance. Taken from many different angles.

2.22- 2.30 – Throwing glass at wall, angry smash.

2.30- 2.32- Smash of the glass.

2.32- 2.34- Dual screen, Vicki singing and Liz realising something.

2.34- 2.42- Performance. You do all this big talking now let’s see you walk in, I said let’s see you walk in.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Update on Editing

We have now fully finished all of the filming and are now completing the editing process. We expect to have all of the editing done by Friday 27th. Getting to this point has been difficult due to delays in filming, more specifically the weather and time to film. On Thursday 19th November, we decided to use the green screen to create a final scene to add into the video at last minute. I have captured this footage and think that it works very well with the concept of the video. Over these next few days the video will become completed and Images of outfits and locations will be displayed on the Blog.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Update on editing/filming

In the past few weeks the group have been busy filming and editing the footage to make sure we have a good finished piece. In this process we have realised that music videos need a lot more footage and variation than normal short films do and that getting the timing correct on the right beat can be quite a challenge.
We have encountered a few problems whilst filming such as the weather; wind, rain, fog etc... and also our performers hair colour caused a problem. Vicky had blue hair to begin with but as the weeks past her hair faded and turned to a green/blue. She couldn't get hold of the hair dye that she had used therefore we had to go out and film all the blue hair shots again with vickys new hair colour - purple.
We are now in the process of constant editing and making sure the miming fits with the song. We encountered problems whilst trying to do a split screen but we are hoping that putting a thick line through the clip will make this effect achievable.
I am going to post the shot list soon when we have edited it efficiently.