Monday 30 November 2009

Original Shot List

This is the original shot list that we made to guide us with filming. We are going to upload a finished shot list as well.

Fences – Shot List

Introduction is 8 Seconds long.

1-6 seconds of the 8 is Location shots from the selected roof. Approximately 1 second each.

7-8 seconds is the performer sat on the railings and then jumping off.

9 seconds is when the performance will start. I’m sitting in a room made up of only big white walls… At this lyric she will slowly be walking forward. By the line and in the halls, the performer should be at the edge of the roof.

13 seconds – Shots of the eyes. There are people looking through. There will be five shots of eyes on the beat.

15 seconds - The window in the door 15-18 seconds medium long shot focused on people when Liz crosses the shot and the people look at her. Know exactly what we’re here for.

18- 22/23 secondsdon’t look up just let them think there’s no place else you’d rather be… Liz walking around aimlessly, looking lonely.

22/23 secondsYou’re always on display. Some how show that Liz is on display.

23-26 seconds – Vicki singing For everyone to watch and learn from.

26-29 secondsDon’t you know by now, Close ups of barcodes and tags.

29-37 seconds - You can’t turn back, because this road is all you’ll ever have. Liz wandering around roads in town, reminiscing the past.

38-57 seconds – different performance shots of Vicki, Close ups, medium shots, high and low angle shots.

57-1.04 – Shots of Liz wandering around streets

1.05 If you’d let me I could, I’d show you how to build your fences. Shot of the building blocks building up.

1.05-1.09 – Quick shot of performance. Separate from the world the constant battle that you hate to fight.

1.09 – 1.14Just blame the limelight. Feet knock down the building blocks.

1.15 – 1.29Don’t look up just let them know there’s no place else you’d rather be, and now, you can’t turn back, because this road is all you’ll ever have. Performance and story interlinked together by dual screen. Swap shots between Liz and Vicki.
1.30 – 1.35 - It’s obvious that you’re dying, dying. Shots of Liz in the abandoned building.

1.35- 1.48Just living proof that the camera’s lying. More shots in abandoned building.

1.48- 1.55 – Performance shots. Yeah, yeah you’re asking for it, with every breath that you’re breathing. Intercut with Liz in the abandoned building.

1.55- 2.00 – Just breathe in…yeah yeah, well you’re just a mess. Re-applying make-up etc…

2.00- 2.06
You do all this big talking, now let’s see you walk in. Performance.

2.06- 2.10- Let’s see you walk in. Liz walking in red dress.

2.10 – 2.22- Interlude- Vicki moshing in performance. Taken from many different angles.

2.22- 2.30 – Throwing glass at wall, angry smash.

2.30- 2.32- Smash of the glass.

2.32- 2.34- Dual screen, Vicki singing and Liz realising something.

2.34- 2.42- Performance. You do all this big talking now let’s see you walk in, I said let’s see you walk in.

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