Wednesday 18 November 2009

Update on editing/filming

In the past few weeks the group have been busy filming and editing the footage to make sure we have a good finished piece. In this process we have realised that music videos need a lot more footage and variation than normal short films do and that getting the timing correct on the right beat can be quite a challenge.
We have encountered a few problems whilst filming such as the weather; wind, rain, fog etc... and also our performers hair colour caused a problem. Vicky had blue hair to begin with but as the weeks past her hair faded and turned to a green/blue. She couldn't get hold of the hair dye that she had used therefore we had to go out and film all the blue hair shots again with vickys new hair colour - purple.
We are now in the process of constant editing and making sure the miming fits with the song. We encountered problems whilst trying to do a split screen but we are hoping that putting a thick line through the clip will make this effect achievable.
I am going to post the shot list soon when we have edited it efficiently.

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