Wednesday 28 October 2009

Costume Research

The Costume in which we have chosen for the performance aspect of the video fit in very well with the generic conventions of the genre of female rock/pop/punk. Our performer and also group member, Victoria, is to wear a long, white T-Shirt, a black cardigan and black leggins, red doc martins and a necklace. Her hair is styled quite naturally besides the blue colour.

For the story side of the video we have decided to have group member Liz act the story part, The costume will consist of slightly casual, but dressesd up style for the high street filming. This will be to reflect her celebrity-esque image. We have also decided to have her in a different outfit for the derelict building scenes. In this part of the film we have decided to film with Liz in a red dress, as the scenery would make this look more dramatic.

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