Wednesday 21 October 2009

Location Research

For our music video we had three types of locations for the different parts of the video. 1st of we had the idea of an urban rooftop for the performance scenes of the video. We decided on this as the type of music is very modern so would require a more modern feel to its locations. Also a rooftop would give an excellent variation of shots as it would be looking over a city/town. We started to research and look for some good locations for the performance in town centre. Town centre has a range of different buildings and lots of rooftops which were accessible. In the end we decided on the rooftop of shude-hill bus station. The picture below is off the rooftop we decided on.

This rooftop was also a car park which consisted of a lot of raps that we could use in different ways in our video. There is a large ramp with a railing along it. This we used as an advantage ion our video for the performer to jump of to add some excitement. The car park also has a lot of painted lines and markings which added colour and an urban feel to it. Looking out of the building there was an excellent view of the city which works extremely well with the mise-en-scene which was great for location shots.

For the storyline of the music video we had three different locations. The 1st was a busy local area, Town center. This location helped with the urban feel to the video and more of an upbeat area to match the music style. We were able to get a lot of experimental shots from this area, such as speeded up shots to give the busy feel to the video. The second location was an abandoned building in Ancotes. This location was great for a comparison to the busy street shots. The abandoned location was covered in green moss and graffiti which worked well with Liz’s red dress the way the two things contrasted looked great in the video. Below you can see and image of the location.

Finally as a third locating we filmed Liz inside instead of outside to add range to our shots. We filmed her against a green screen with a camera taking images of her to show that she was in a photo shoot; this helped the storyline of the video so the viewer could tell she was a famous character.

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