Monday 14 December 2009

CD cover Mock up

Below is our CD case made up so you can see exactly what it looks like.



Here is a copy of our 4 panels for the CD cover transferred onto a cut out net. From this you can see how we would put the CD case together and what it would look like after. We have chosen a simple layout as if we were to manufacture this album this would be a cheap but effective design.

Below you can see some feedback from a viewer and what they thought of our CD cover design.

"I think the design looks really professional. The text is really simple but effective and goes really well with the picture and the way it is all in black and white except for the dress looks amazing. If i saw this in a music shop i would definitely buy it. However i think the inside cover where it repeats the songs could be a bit more inventive."

Evaluation - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Throughout all three of the texts we have used a similar style so that they all link in together. The Video was set over four different locations; for the performance side there was the rooftop, and for the story line part of the video there was the streets in Manchester, the set up indoors and the derelict building part of the video. For the CD cover and poster we decided to stick with the derelict building idea, so that they both linked back to the video. We also thought that the derelict shots were some of the best from the video. The CD cover and back were edited together by Vicki using screen shots and Photoshop CS3 the design is simple yet effective and links back to the video. We also used a nice font on the CD cover as you would normally in see in HMV. In the poster we wanted to keep the same theme going with the derelict shots, we used a black background and four various shots of the derelict buildings from the video. We set them out so that there was one shot at the top, another at the bottom and two small ones sandwiched in-between. We decided to do this because the shots that we used had a lot of space and allowed us space to put the titles and advertising features. This is how we made sure that the products had similar design features. One the poster I made the font bigger and bolder as you would see on a poster in order to ensure that it is eye catching and would sell. I also put a small picture of the front of the CD to make sure that the audience would recognise the band.

Screen shots.

The following are screen shots from Evanescence's video- everybody's fool.

The next shot is our roof shot. The photographs above are where we got our rooftop idea from.

We liked the idea of the roof shots as it created a good shot and it was a quiet place to film.
Below are images of each side of our final CD cover, the front cover, back cover, inside front and the inside back cover. For each of the covers we have used different programs to create them, such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign.


For the front cover we decided it would be best to use a screenshot from our music video so the viewer could make a comparison between the two. The screen shot we used was of Liz in the abandoned location. We used a shot of just her feet up to the bottom of her dress and grass in the background, we though this shot worked well as it had a lot of space to the left of her which was perfect to add the covers text to. We changed the image black and white to make it look more like a professional CD cover, however we left Liz’s dress red to add a bit of life to the image and make it stand out against the dull background. This was done by using Adobe Photoshop. We then used a simple white font called ‘New garden’ this font wasn’t gaudy or fancy and worked well with the image, which made it look professional.


We kept the back cover similar to the front cover but made it more simplistic. We used a image of grass on the back using the same black and white effect. We then added the track list to the back in the same white font as the front. We placed the text in a vertical list central to the cover. At the bottom we added the typical items on a professional CD such as the barcode, company logo and the copyright information. This made the back cover look very effective and real.


For the inside front of the CD case we decided to keep it simple so that is does not make the front cover less effective. We used a plain black background and white text on it. The text was just a repeat of the songs and the albums name; we got this idea from previous CD cover research.


This part of the CD case is where our actual CD would go. To make this cover more inventive we used the lyrics of the song in our video “fences”, and typed them up in the shape of a CD. We did this using the programme Adobe InDesign. This is where the CD would be placed in our album. The text was once again white and in a simple font so it is easy to read.

Friday 11 December 2009

Original Costume Research Photographs

The following photographs are some of the orginal research photographs we looked at to find out the style of costume we should have in the video.

After looking at these photographs we decided to go with the casual costume that we see Vicky wearing in the performance parts.

Evaluation-Media Product use.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our video was inspired by other music videos in the ‘pop rock’ genre. The specific artists that we concentrated on were; Paramore, Avril Lavigne and Evanescence. We researched the groups’ music videos and discovered that the mise en scene in general was casual.

Which aspects from the music videos you researched did you incorporate in your own video?

Jeans and t-shirts or gothic style dresses were the general themed costumes in the music videos we analysed. The Set in these videos were high streets, derelict abandoned places and rooftops. From these we got the ideas for our music video. We decided on costume being casual but with a dramatic effect of having bright red doc martins and a ‘rock star’ hair colour. We originally had Vicky with an electric blue hair colour but we discovered difficulties with this as her hair faded and looked green on camera.
We decided to also incorporate an essence of glamour into our video by dressing Liz in more glamorous dresses than usually seen in ‘pop rock’ videos. This made Liz more noticeable and more like a celebrity.

Evanescence : Everybody's fool -

Paramore: Emergency -

Avril lavigne: My Happy Ending -

How did you bring originality and a different approach to your music video? I know that quite a lot of videos seem to be the same these days.

Yes I agree. We wanted to make sure that our video stood out but also didn’t go against the ‘rules’ of ‘rock pop’ videos. We used split screens, fading, duel narrative, change of speed and green screening. We used green screen to set up a photo studio to add a bit of creativity and a different type of location as the previous locations were outdoors.