Wednesday 9 December 2009

CD Cover and magazine research

Our chosen genre for our music video is ‘Pop Rock’. As we are doing a Paramore song, we decided to do some research into the previously CD covers and magazine adverts they had previously done. We also looked at other artists of the Pop Rock genre such as Avril Lavigne and Evanescence.
Firstly we looked at the Paramore ‘Riot’ album cover, as this was the album which we took our chosen song from ‘Fences’.

This album cover, mainly uses black and white with a contrasting brighter colour, in this case its orange. The use of orange is bold and eye catching so straight away you know that the name of the album is ‘Riot.’ From looking at this album cover, we decided to use a similar theme of using black and white contrasting with a deep red, to make our cover more appealing and noticeable. From this album cover we liked the font that was used, as it looked like it has been hand written and trying to be bold and make a statement as being different, which suits the Rock Pop theme.

We also looked at Paramore’s most recent album ‘Brand New Eyes’. This cover isn’t as bold as riot; this could be done to show a different side to the bands music. We liked the use of the bold colouring in the butterfly, by using black and yellow on a light background. Using a bright and bold colour seems to be a theme throughout Paramore’s album covers. We used this theme of colour in our music video, as we used Red Doc Martins throughout the video, as they appropriate for our chosen genre.

Another album cover we looked at was Avril Lavigne’s ‘The Best Damn Thing’. This cover is a photograph of Avril Lavigne, with her album cover logo in the left hand corner; this is a simple idea which works well, as she has pink in her hair, matches the pink in the logo. This particular cover Is a pop rock cover.

This advert is advertising one of Paramores most recent singles ‘Ignorance’. From this we saw that the magazine advert was pretty simple but also effective. The black and white effect gives it a more sentimental and innocence (the two pot dolls), although after listening to the song we know the song is about being ignored by people and society. From this magazine advert, we liked the use of black and white and the script like font, and wanted to use the aspect of black and white with some colour to make It eye catching and attractive.

Although this poster is adverting a t-shirt competition, we still researched it as; it uses the colour pink to contrast against the black and white. The use of pattern behind Avril lavigne draws you attention towards her, so from a first glance, you can see that the advert is advertising something to do with Avril Lavigne. We liked the font that was used in this advert as it is in capitals and in white; we liked the idea of using a light coloured text on a dark background, as this would be more eye catching.

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