Thursday 10 December 2009

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Firstly we got people to watch our music video, and then we asked them to fill in a questionnaire afterwards, with questions such as if they liked our video, and if they could suggest any improvements. The majority of the need back which we got from our audience was that they enjoyed it. Some said it was a good video to watch but it wasn’t really the type of music that they usually listen to. Other commented on our use of location, saying we used a good variety of locations and was creative in creating a photo shoot to make the video look a bit different. Some people commented on the lip syncing of our video, saying that parts of it didn’t look as realistic as others, this was a problem we realised while editing, as when we were originally filming the singing parts to our music video, we used a song that was shorter that the song we used while editing which we got from a CD. This is a problem that we may have been able to deal with if we had more time in the editing process. Other people commented on our use of split screen, how It was a good type of shot to use, but in parts didn’t look as effective as others, as some people would disappear of screen, and the two different shots didn’t always match together.

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