Friday 11 December 2009

Evaluation-Media Product use.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our video was inspired by other music videos in the ‘pop rock’ genre. The specific artists that we concentrated on were; Paramore, Avril Lavigne and Evanescence. We researched the groups’ music videos and discovered that the mise en scene in general was casual.

Which aspects from the music videos you researched did you incorporate in your own video?

Jeans and t-shirts or gothic style dresses were the general themed costumes in the music videos we analysed. The Set in these videos were high streets, derelict abandoned places and rooftops. From these we got the ideas for our music video. We decided on costume being casual but with a dramatic effect of having bright red doc martins and a ‘rock star’ hair colour. We originally had Vicky with an electric blue hair colour but we discovered difficulties with this as her hair faded and looked green on camera.
We decided to also incorporate an essence of glamour into our video by dressing Liz in more glamorous dresses than usually seen in ‘pop rock’ videos. This made Liz more noticeable and more like a celebrity.

Evanescence : Everybody's fool -

Paramore: Emergency -

Avril lavigne: My Happy Ending -

How did you bring originality and a different approach to your music video? I know that quite a lot of videos seem to be the same these days.

Yes I agree. We wanted to make sure that our video stood out but also didn’t go against the ‘rules’ of ‘rock pop’ videos. We used split screens, fading, duel narrative, change of speed and green screening. We used green screen to set up a photo studio to add a bit of creativity and a different type of location as the previous locations were outdoors.

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