Wednesday 9 December 2009

4.- How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?

We have used various amounts of technology during the production process of our video. During the filming process we used video cameras and a tri-pod, whilst filming outside. The tri-pod was a very important part to filming outside in order to ensure a steady flow of footage. They also made it easier to do steady pans and zooms. When we filmed the footage indoors we used the Green screen and lots of lighting, in order to get rid of all of the shadows that were created. We decided to leave the green screen as a backdrop instead of editing it to white, as we realised that this would work better in showing the audience that she is somewhat if a celebrity. The longest process was the editing. For the editing we used Final Cut Pro. None of the group members had used the software previously so we all had to familiar ourselves with it quite quickly. Whilst editing here are some of the problems we were able to solve and also learn new things on the way. When we were out filming Liz and Vicki sat on opposite sides of a statue, we moved the camera to different angles whilst filming and when we came to edit the statue wouldn't line up properly. We solved this problem by adding a white line through the centre of both shots which made it into a splitcreen shot which looked right. During our video we have not used many special effects and have tried to keep our video as simple as possible. The only effects we used was the speed change, in this we changed the speed of out performers to add effect. In the point where Vicki is in Silhouette, is a pint where we think this worked really well. Finally, the marker tool in Final Cut Pro, allowed us to mark a point in the song so that were were able to keep the cuts in the video to the beat. In the making of the CD Cover and Poster we used Photoshop CS3 to create these, all of our group already knew how to use this software which saved us some time. This is how we used thechnology in the planning, Evaluation, and construction of out media product.

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